Greetings, you've reached Disclosure, an update log for As any long-term project, I try to keep a record of the activity and main changes done on this domain. To fulfill this purpose, this update log is to keep track of announcements and general updates. To navigate to this site, use the icons appeared in white above. Please be mindful that as you progress further back to the older entries, some links you'll come across may be outdated and inaccessible.

Archive for the category "Eidolon"

Eidolon & PHP8

Happy end-of-April everyone. After many weeks of consideration, I've finally decided to close down Eidolon. The clique just wasn't making any progress over the years as there wasn't any spark in interests compared to Exvius. Seeing that the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (https) was causing such a difficult time for the code to work on others' sites, I've eventually gave up on it. Nonetheless, thank you to the members for a great 5-year progress.

When the announcement of PHP 8 was released, I knew Dreamhost will eventually require everyone to upgrade to the latest version. Unfortunately, in order to keep a couple sites running smoothly in legacy PHP versions, an additional $5 monthly fee is required. PHP 7 is still quite relevant, but there's really no point keeping old codes working at PHP 7 or lower because of security vulnerabilities. Thus, over the past few weeks, I've updated most of the backend coding to port for PHP 8. So far, the whole network (including Caelestis and Enamour) at the moment are 85% running on v8.2 while the others are still at v7.4. Because of my upcoming graduation taking place in a few weeks, there won't be a complete update just yet. Stay tuned for the next updates.


Happy New Year everyone. So I was supposed to release this new project I've been working during the end October. But due to form problems not working properly, I had to push it back to troubleshoot the errors.

Anyway, without further ado, we introduce you to our first claim rotation site called Eidolon, a claim rotation based off of Final Fantasy series where you can choose your favorite summon. Summons are magical creatures that can be summoned in battle. They are known by many names such as Aeon, Guardian Force, Astral, Eidolon, Esper. These creatures are powerful, and can have offensive, curative or supportive effects. Do you have a favorite summon in mind? This is the place claim your own Eidolon as your ally.

Aside from the new site, I've also went ahead and cleaned up dead links from Celestialis’ links out section and then updated the code to have each link display vertically instead of horizontally. If there's any link similar to our collective domain that you'd like to share, let us know. Thank you.

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News script, coding, design, and contents on Disclosure © by Aelyn since 2009 - 2024. Rooms: An Illustration and Comic Collection illustrated by Umishima Senbon. Part of the Celestial Oracle Studio.