New FLs Released
Posted on 08 Jul '24 filed under Fanlisting
As I one day browsed through the list of joined fanlisting subjects compiled throughout the years, along the way I've updated subjects to their now-recent links while others had unfortunately vanished from the TFL list. Seeing there hasn't been an application for these subjects in years, I simply could not turn a blind eye for these favorites of mine that once existed. Thus, I made a mission to revive these non-existent fanlistings. Currently, I've finished 2 fanlistings so far and a few more are still in the works. So if any of these subjects below you spark your interest, please don't hesitate to join.
- History - History as always been my favorite subject back in school. I've always been intrigued by how everything in the past has shaped the present today. There's always something in the past that still questions me which is why I have so much interest for this subject.
- Powerpuff Girls - One of my childhood favorite TV shows. But moreover when the Reboot happened, it also became my daughter's favorite. It still gives the old vibe of Powerpuff Girls, but with better graphics.