Greetings, you've reached Disclosure, an update log for As any long-term project, I try to keep a record of the activity and main changes done on this domain. To fulfill this purpose, this update log is to keep track of announcements and general updates. To navigate to this site, use the icons appeared in white above. Please be mindful that as you progress further back to the older entries, some links you'll come across may be outdated and inaccessible.

Archive for the category "Update"

Fixes & New Affiliate

Apparently whenever I decide to leave the site for a good few weeks, there's always something that ends up broken. Fortunately, it was just the guestbook and contact form. Thank you to everyone for personally emailing me about the issues. I figured out why the form on the guestbook showed up blank whenever an entry gets submitted, so I did a quick fix. Also, I downgraded the contact form to PHP 7.4 temporarily until I find a better solution or a new script that'll work for PHP 8. Aside from the fixes, I've processed submissions on Exvius and Cloudplane. I'm also humbled to announce my newest affiliate: Erika of Cloud Illusions. Please give her a warm visit; her fansites are also a must-see and worth reading.

Minor Updates

There were a few things I've went ahead to fix around the network this past couple of days, mainly backend coding and other things that bothered me for quite awhile that I've been meaning to rearrange. I've also taken the time to read up on some CSS tutorials yesterday which I'll most likely implement sometime on the next layout change for either Enamour or Aelysia. So stay tuned on that. In case you're interested, I've added the link via Memento.

  1. Cliques - Made a new page on my domain specifically for cliques/webrings/etc. Like joined fanlistings, I didn't want to flood my index page as I try to keep that area minimalistic and faster loading time for everyone.
  2. Navigation - Removed the joined FLs and guestbook link and added them on the index page; contact form link was added on the main navigation instead.
  1. Donation - Implemented a hide/show feature for certain fields to appear for new donors.
  1. News Script - Added in a snippet code of my three recent update log entries onto my domain's front page so that I don't have to constantly manually update the index page whenever there's a new update.
  2. Coding - Implemented the HTML <optgroup> tag to help group options on dropdown menus in a cleaner way rather than using &nbsp; on the <option> tag.

Updated to PHP 8.2

PHP 8.2 is now 100% updated throughout the whole network. Errors that were addressed in the previous update are fixed. With this update, there will be guarantee a few bugs that'll surface. Feel free to address any issues you may come across. The guestbook is updated to its latest version. Cerine also generously gave the guestbook a new layout, so in return, I figured it would be a great time to re-organize the contents and coding as well. It will be another 2 years or so until we'll need to update any depreciated coding.

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News script, coding, design, and contents on Disclosure © by Aelyn since 2009 - 2024. Rooms: An Illustration and Comic Collection illustrated by Umishima Senbon. Part of the Celestial Oracle Studio.