Greetings, you've reached Disclosure, an update log for As any long-term project, I try to keep a record of the activity and main changes done on this domain. To fulfill this purpose, this update log is to keep track of announcements and general updates. To navigate to this site, use the icons appeared in white above. Please be mindful that as you progress further back to the older entries, some links you'll come across may be outdated and inaccessible.

FL Updates

Back from my trip a couple of days ago and made minor adjustments via Skylude in terms of wording, coding and and CSS changes. I’ve given myself time to actually sit down and made more link buttons to give fans multiple selections to choose from. Hope you guys like it. There are a couple more fanlistings that still need code revamp that probably won't be mentioned on the updates. Aside from the that, I’ve also added more collectives on the links out section, so check it out. Lastly, Cerine and I has joined more fanlistings and added a new fanlisting onto the network.
  1. Pokémon GO – Games

News script, coding, design, and contents on Disclosure © by Aelyn since 2009 - 2024. Rooms: An Illustration and Comic Collection illustrated by Umishima Senbon. Part of the Celestial Oracle Studio.