Greetings, you've reached Disclosure, an update log for As any long-term project, I try to keep a record of the activity and main changes done on this domain. To fulfill this purpose, this update log is to keep track of announcements and general updates. To navigate to this site, use the icons appeared in white above. Please be mindful that as you progress further back to the older entries, some links you'll come across may be outdated and inaccessible.

Contact Form

I'm in the process of doing some behind-the-scene work, which includes fixing up the information section, so even if there doesn't seem to be any visible change, a lot of work is being done. I promise. I’ve been wanting to give my contact form a revamp for a while and actually made a layout back in November. Two months has passed and I finally got around to putting it up. I've also updated the script again to stop the crazy spam.

Meanwhile, Disclosure gets a temporary layout and was converted to WordPress, barely worth mentioning. I probably won't stick too long with this script either as I liked Fan Update but isn't working because of PHP7. I'm currently working on my own blog script which will take years to complete; the newer PHP version has affected the script to work, thus will take a while to complete until I get the necessary clean up the coding needs.

News script, coding, design, and contents on Disclosure © by Aelyn since 2009 - 2024. Rooms: An Illustration and Comic Collection illustrated by Umishima Senbon. Part of the Celestial Oracle Studio.