Greetings, you've reached Disclosure, an update log for As any long-term project, I try to keep a record of the activity and main changes done on this domain. To fulfill this purpose, this update log is to keep track of announcements and general updates. To navigate to this site, use the icons appeared in white above. Please be mindful that as you progress further back to the older entries, some links you'll come across may be outdated and inaccessible.

Spring Cleaning

Three updates in one month? Supposedly, this is considered one of those 'once in a blue moon' that I get to update everyone with something. On a lighter note, I took this spring break as a large reprieve from the mess of obligations that my life is slowly becoming, and will continue to become until through the end of spring when my externship for this semester is over. Thus, the lack of updates. I've been focusing the most time I can though on fixing a lot of broken images, links and codings around the network as much as possible — mainly on Cloudplane.

After the semester ends, I will be revamping a couple sites and resuming on the network's projects. For lack of better terms, Dreamscape will be going through an overhaul. I've never been completely pleased with how the site was laid out or its content which means that certain contents will be compressed but will not have them severely removed; revisions should continue smoothly. Meanwhile, I went through form-coding troubles awhile back. It felt that it's all garbled now, and I cannot find a way to fix it. Stressing over why it didn't work for days, I realized I missed a piece of code which is why the form never worked in the first place. I must've overlooked it because the form worked on my other sites. Nonetheless, the idea of coming back for another day in hopes to get this problem fixed alleviated everything.

New Layout

After years of laziness and lack of inspiration, I've finally got a new theme up for my update log. Mind you, this design took 2 days to complete, albeit it was the CSS and how I want everything formatted that were rather time-consuming as I wanted to keep this design simple and legible. When Spring came, I finally thought there needed to be a more colourful, pastel appearance because I've always wanted something filled with all kinds of different shades in comparison to my previous versions. The problematic element with my last version was the how complex Wordpress was which I had to repeatedly figure out how to make my own personalized theme work with this script which really bothered me to no end, but at least it lasted for over a year.

In essence, I had to be more open with my choice of fonts to complement this design. Did you know that selecting the font for your layout actually affects your design? It was the font type, size, and color that gave me a whole different feel to this layout, but I digress. As for the background, I would normally keep simple, like a basic pattern or texture. However, I decided to browse for inspirations when I decided to give botanical line art with organic shapes a try. To my surprise, this pattern in particular went well with this layout — it didn't keep my site too busy as I only did necessary lighting adjustments and color changes. Overall, I do love the simplicity of this design; it's refreshing and this is probably going to stay up for a while.

Exvius: Update

My sincere apologies to the people who applied for the Exvius clique during June 2022 ~ March 2023. Due to my last semester for school and other personal reasons, I was unable to process over 15 forms during that time. In addition, for some reason, the script somehow stopped notifying me via email. Hence, the clique had a major overhaul to remedy the situation: form fixed, more sprites added, certain sections re-coded, a couple pages revamped, and rules updated.

Speaking of rules, I stated that a sprite can only be claimed once per site. But because I neglected the clique prior, I received a couple applications with the same choice of sprite. However, I did not penalize them for it, but rather have them keep their favorite guardian. Thus, people who applied and were affected during the date stated will be exempted from this rule, until they decide to change their character. The rule for one sprite per site still applies for everyone else. In conclusion, I was able to fix the entire clique and processed everyone's form without problems. If you applied for the clique before, but did not see your site here please re-apply on the form again. Again, I apologize for the inconveniences that occurred for almost a year regarding this problem and thank you to those who reached out to me about this.

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News script, coding, design, and contents on Disclosure © by Aelyn since 2009 - 2024. Rooms: An Illustration and Comic Collection illustrated by Umishima Senbon. Part of the Celestial Oracle Studio.